Spreading God’s Word Since 1852
Fluvanna Baptist Church was founded and built in 1852 in the small town of Scottsville, Virginia.
Taken in 1915, this image shows the members of Fluvanna Baptist Church in front of the original sanctuary building, which is still used as our fellowship hall today.
We believe that families are incredibly important
No matter who you ask, they all say the same thing: "Families are incredibly important to our lives and to our society." That's why it's so important that we find a place where we can get the needed information and the needed support to do just that. A place where God's Biblical design for marriage and family is taught and where supportive relationships are found. In a very real sense we are a family together "each member one to another." There's room in our family for you!
We want everyone to see the greatness of our God
God made each of us "for His own glory." Our lives are meant to be lived in relationship to our Heavenly Father in such a way that we ourselves and all those around us see the greatness and glory of God. Our desire is that the ultimate compliment of our Church would not be, "What a Church," but "what a great God we serve!" Come discover with us the greatness and glory of our great God!
We are building our lives on the Word of God, the Bible.
We believe that the Bible is God's word and that we are wise when we seek to live according to the truth it reveals. When our lives are lived according to God's truth, we continually discover that "His will is good, acceptable, and perfect." Because of our commitment to Biblical truth, we are constantly learning and growing. We hope you will come learn and grow with us!
We are a people being transformed by the Gospel of Christ
Jesus Christ's death on the cross and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins has restored us to a right relationship with the living God. We are a people continually amazed by God's love and we desire to share that love with everyone.